Donna M. Scott, ThD
Personal Info: Born and raised in St. Louis, MO. Donna Maria Scott is the eldest of 4 siblings. Graduated High School and College in Missouri where she majored in Information Services. She carries an Associate in Computer Science (AAS), Bachelor of Science in Business (BSBA) and a Masters in Information Services (MIS). Finally, Doctorates in Spiritual Counseling and Theology (ThD).
Dr. Scott was baptized in water in the name of Jesus and filled with the Holy Ghost under the ministry of the Honorable Bishop Alphonso Scott of Lively Stone Church of God, where she served for 19 years in various leadership roles. Evangelist Scott is now a member of Faith Miracle Temple where Dr. Marlon T. Baylor is her Pastor. She is a covenant partner in Higher Ground International Ministries where Apostle Larry J. Baylor, is the Overseer. Dr. Donna was consecrated into the office of a Prophet February 21, 2021. She enjoys preaching and teaching the Word of God. Dr. Scott is an ordained minister and works in several ministries within her church and in the community.
In addition to the work she does within the Body, Dr. Scott founded US (Unmasking Suicide). This Non-Profit organization is registered in the state of Missouri and was inspired after losing her baby brother to suicide. In addition to traveling to various churches on ministerial assignments, she works diligently within the community facilitating workshops and seminars on grief, depression and suicide for hospitals, schools and non-profits. She also conducts Bible based training for clergy seeking to further understand the ramifications of hindered mental wellness in the Body of Christ. She recently released her 2nd book entitled “Demonization of Mental Illness”, exploring the stigmatization associated with mental health.
What is DMSM?
DMSM is the parent entity that handles the management of several ministry and service organizations.
DMSM Includes
US Ministries
Unmasking Suicide, Inc.
WASSUP Ministries